
Family Preservation Foundation Blog

Federal Court Case Update August 2020

Dwight Mitchell founder of Family Preservation Foundation and the parental rights group Stop CPS From Legally Kidnaping Children talks about the federal court case, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals deviation from the US Supreme Courts case law on child protection cases, the 6th and 8th Circuit court split on how to handle CPS cases and what's on the horizon in the next 90-days for the court case. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT!

All of the court documents can be found at; https://dm8.com/education/scps-federal-case.html.

To transform child welfare, take race out of the equation | Jessica Pryce

In this eye-opening talk about the impact of race and neighborhood on foster-care decisions, social worker Jessica Pryce shares a promising solution to help child welfare agencies make bias-free assessments about when to remove children from their families. "Let's work together to build a system that wants to make families stronger instead of pulling them apart," Pryce says.

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

Rethinking foster care: Molly McGrath Tierney at TEDx Baltimore

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Molly McGrath Tierney is the Director for the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, managing the City's child welfare and public assistance programs. Over the past six years, she has led a massive reform effort to dramatically improve the impact of services to vulnerable citizens of Baltimore. Molly's work is considered a national model for modern social services.

Molly McGrath Tierney was the Director for the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, managing the City's child welfare and public assistance programs. Over the past six years, she has led a massive reform effort to dramatically improve the impact of services to vulnerable citizens of Baltimore. Molly's work is considered a national model for modern social services.

The Supreme Court's Parental Rights Doctrine

A Summary of the Supreme Court's Parental Rights Doctrine: The Supreme Court's Parental Rights Doctrine is the culmination of the Court's rulings on parental rights. Up until 2000, the Supreme Court consistently upheld parental rights. In 2000, however, the split decision in Troxel v. Granville opened the door for individual judges and States to apply their own rules to parental rights.

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Dwight Mitchell - Testimony Before MN Legislative CPS Task Force

On February 21, 2020, Dwight Mitchell provide SHOCKING public testimony, with recent Minnesota statics, before the Senators and Representatives of the Minnesota Legislative Task Force on Child Protection. The Tasks Force was created to advise the Governor and Legislature on system and practice improvements in the child protection system at all levels of government within the State of Minnesota.

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